Las Vegas Rear-End Crashes Lawyer

Have you been injured in a rear-end crash in Las Vegas, Nevada? If so, the knowledgeable Las Vegas rear-end collision attorneys at Battle Born Injury Lawyers are prepared to assist you with your claim and obtain the financial relief you need to heal.

Call (702) 570-9000 to contact our offices today to arrange a free consultation. Meet directly with one of our renowned car accident lawyers to review your case. Because at Battle Born Injury Lawyers we strive to be reasonably priced, we provide a contingency fee agreement that ensures you are not required to pay unless we win your case.

Why Do You Need Help From Battle Born Injury Lawyers After A Car Accident In Las Vegas?

Why Do You Need Help From Battle Born Injury Lawyers After A Rear-End Crash In Las Vegas?

Battle Born Injury Lawyers is a successful law practice with a solid reputation for providing superior representation. We will work diligently to win your case, as we have for all of our clients.

A rear-end collision can result in painful injuries and absence from work. You need time to recover from your injuries after the trauma of the incident, but how will you pay for it? This is where our Las Vegas auto accident attorneys come in. We work to secure the necessary compensation so you can rest during your recovery.

By selecting Battle Born Injury Lawyers to defend you in a rear-end collision in Las Vegas, you’ll have a law firm that will handle crucial details, such as:

  • Investigating the accident
  • Evaluating evidence
  • Consulting experts
  • Handling all discussions with insurance companies
  • Keeping you informed throughout the procedure

Insurance companies are notorious for trying everything possible to reduce payouts. They could even dispute your claim. If this occurs, we will be prepared to fight them in court if necessary.  Before negotiating with an insurance company, please consult with us.

Contact our law offices in Las Vegas, NV, to discuss your rear-end collision. Your initial consultation is free.

What Causes Rear-End Crashes in Las Vegas, NV?

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of rear-end collisions. Individuals behind the wheel of a moving car are attempting to perform multiple tasks, such as:

  • Texting, conversing on the phone, or otherwise being distracted by a mobile device
  • Eating, drinking, or smoking
  • Personal grooming
  • Monitoring a GPS gadget
  • Using a radio or other forms of entertainment
  • Driving too quickly for the road conditions, particularly in inclement weather

Occasionally, alcohol and/or drugs are also factors in these accidents.

In most collisions, the driver of the vehicle in the back is at fault, but this isn’t always the case.  The presence of slick roads, a quick stop, or faulty brake lights on the front vehicle may indicate that the rear driver was not the cause of the accident.

Other causes and types of car accidents we’ve seen include:

What Injuries Could Result From Rear-End Crashes?

The majority of individuals involved in rear-end collisions do not immediately recognize they have been hurt. Therefore, it is critical to seek medical assistance immediately.

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in rear-end collisions. Whiplash occurs when the head is violently flung around following a collision, causing injury to the victim’s neck muscles and tendons. There is also the possibility of more severe damage, such as traumatic brain injuries.

Injuries to the back, shattered bones, and lacerations are also possible. Deployment of airbags can result in catastrophic injuries to both drivers and passengers.

What Is the Deadline To File a Claim After a Rear-End Crash in Nevada?

Nevada has a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases such as car accidents. This means you must file a lawsuit within that timeframe or risk forfeiting your right to receive compensation for your injuries. 

This statute of limitation on time exists to increase the likelihood that witnesses are still able to recollect what happened, as well as the likelihood that evidence has remained preserved.

Don’t risk missing these important deadlines. Our car accident lawyers will stay on top of all filing deadlines so you can rest easy knowing we’ve got things covered. 

Las Vegas Car Accident Injuries? Contact a Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney at Battle Born Injury Lawyers Today

If you or a loved one were injured in a rear-end collision in the Las Vegas region, contact Battle Born Injury Lawyers. This is a challenging enough time for you without having to deal with complicated legal matters. You should be able to focus on your health after experiencing such trauma.

Likewise, we understand the financial hardship you’re likely experiencing. We can assist you in recovering compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, mental distress, property damage, medical treatment, and other costs.

There is no obligation associated with the free consultation, and our contingency fee agreement means you will not be required to pay unless we secure a financial award on your behalf.  Contact Battle Born Injury Lawyers today to speak with a trusted Las Vegas rear-end crash attorney.

Additional Auto Accident Resources

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