Car Accidents

What Does a Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyer Do?

Car accidents are a major problem in every major city, and Las Vegas is no exception. If you have a personal injury claim that needs to go to court, a Las Vegas car accident lawyer can help. Their specialty is seeking compensation for damages caused by other drivers.  Unfortunately, in many of these situations, the… read more

Car Accidents Caused by Brake Checking in Nevada

Anyone who has driven in Las Vegas knows that other drivers follow dangerously closely. Heavy traffic combined with impatience and aggressive drivers provides a recipe for tailgating. And private individuals are not the only ones doing it. You will see taxi drivers, rideshare drivers, and even shuttle bus drivers riding other vehicles’ tails. The right… read more

What Happens if a Car Crashes Into My House in Nevada?

When you think of a car accident, you don’t normally think of a car hitting a house. However, this type of accident occurs more often than most people realize. Obviously, a car can damage your home. But how do you seek compensation when something like this happens? Fortunately, there are ways to do so. Why… read more

What Happens When You Are At Fault for a Car Accident in Las Vegas, NV?

If another person causes your car accident, you probably already know you can file a claim for damages. Since Nevada is an at-fault state for car accident claims, the person who causes the car crash can be held financially liable for a victim’s injuries and damages.  However, what happens if you are at fault for… read more

What Is the Likelihood I Will Experience a Car Accident in Reno, NV?

Getting behind the wheel and venturing into society might not always seem risky, but it is. That’s because every time you get behind the wheel of a car and drive on the road with other motorists, there is a statistical probability that you could be involved in an accident.  In Washoe County, where Reno is… read more

Should I Purchase Uninsured Motorist Coverage? What Are the Pros And Cons?

If you are purchasing an auto insurance policy or considering making changes to your existing policy, you might be wondering, “Should I purchase uninsured motorist coverage?” and “What are the pros and cons of this type of insurance product?” Insurance can be confusing, but the car accident lawyers at Battle Born Injury Lawyers can help… read more

How To File a Las Vegas Car Accident Claim With Allstate

In Nevada, in-state drivers must carry a minimum amount of car accident insurance coverage. Additionally, Nevada is an “at-fault” state when it comes to car accidents. This means that a driver responsible for causing an accident is also financially responsible for any damages or injuries that result. Below is an explanation of how to file… read more

Can I Continue To Drive My Car After an Accident in Reno, NV?

Whether you should continue to drive your car after an accident depends on the damage to your vehicle and whether it is safe to drive. However, it also depends on your physical injuries and state of mind.  What Is the Condition of Your Vehicle After a Car Accident in Reno? The police officers at the… read more

How Much to Expect from a Car Accident Settlement in Reno, NV

Every injury case has unique facts that go into calculating the compensation the accident victim can seek. But you can apply certain principles to the circumstances of your case to estimate how much you can expect from a car accident settlement. This estimate helps you to set your expectations for your claim. It also tells… read more

Are You Suffering from PTSD After a Car Accident in Las Vegas?

Broken bones and head injuries are not the only harm you can suffer in a Las Vegas car accident. The sudden nature of most car crashes can also leave you with mental and emotional trauma. These injuries are unseen and may require care and treatment long after cuts and fractures have healed. Post-traumatic stress disorder… read more