Road Defects in Henderson, NV

Extreme heat and flash floods are notorious for causing road defects in Henderson, NV. Moreover, some of the city’s roads are poorly designed and constructed, causing them to develop defects over time. Regardless of how they form, these defects can cause accidents because of their effects on vehicles and the ways in which drivers try to get past them.

Thankfully, after suffering an injury in a car accident due (at least in part) to road defects, you have options. You may be able to bring forward legal claims against the other driver, the road construction company, or even the City of Hend


A Henderson car accident lawyer from Battle Born Injury Lawyers can help you identify who may be liable for your losses. For assistance, contact our law office to schedule a free case review at 702-500-0287.

How Battle Born Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Road Defect Accident in Henderson, NV

How Battle Born Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Road Defect Accident in Henderson, NV

Battle Born Injury Lawyers was founded with the goal of helping accident victims throughout Henderson, Nevada, pursue the compensation they deserve. Our attorneys have recovered more than $100 million for injured clients. 

We have over 85 years of combined legal experience fighting at-fault parties and standing up to liability insurers. 

In the event that you suffer an injury due to the negligent or wrongful actions of another, our lawyers will help by doing the following:

  • Conducting a free consultation to understand your case and explain your legal options
  • Investigating your accident and gathering evidence for an insurance claim
  • Negotiating with the insurer to resolve your case 
  • Filing a lawsuit against the at-fault party if we cannot reach a settlement

Car crash injuries can leave you with mountains of medical expenses, all while disabling you from working. Contact our Henderson personal injury lawyers to discuss your situation and learn how we can help.

Common Road Defects in Henderson, NV

Road defects often include construction flaws, like uneven surfaces or improper materials. Although it might seem that a road crack or pothole developed due to heat and erosion, it could have resulted from asphalt that was not correctly mixed or applied.

Additionally, road defects may also include defective road design. A blind corner or sharp turn might create unreasonably dangerous conditions for all drivers, no matter how careful they are.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, road conditions are the critical cause of only about 2% of collisions. That may sound minimal, but it still means thousands of crashes occur in the U.S. every year due to poor conditions.

Car Accidents Resulting From Road Defects

The defects detailed above can lead to many types of accidents, as they increase the risk that a driver will lose control of their vehicle. They may lose their ability to steer or brake after hitting a bump or pothole because their tires briefly lose contact with the road surface.

Furthermore, road defects can amplify bad driving behaviors or make the road less forgiving of driver error. Thus, a speeding driver might lose control of their vehicle on a road with poor drainage that builds up gravel due to runoff.

Road defects can also lead to crashes when drivers try to maneuver around them. For example, a driver might swerve into your lane when they spot a large chunk of asphalt. Similar conditions may even contribute to a truck accident; a chunk of asphalt can break off the road’s surface and strike your windshield when a large truck runs over it.

Common Road Defect Accident Injuries

Road defects can result in both single and multi-vehicle accidents. Single-vehicle crashes occur when a driver loses control of their vehicle and runs off the road, striking a fixed object or rolling over. 

Some common injuries in single-vehicle accidents include chest bruises, concussions, and whiplash. Rollover accidents are particularly dangerous because vehicle roofs are not designed to support a car’s entire weight. These crashes can, therefore, produce crushing injuries.

Multi-vehicle accident injuries depend on the nature of the collision. Rear-end crashes often cause whiplash, concussions, and wrist injuries. A side-impact crash, however, can cause head, chest, or abdominal trauma, particularly if the door deforms inward and strikes the occupant.

Liability For Road Defect Crashes

After a road defect collision, you may have three options for seeking compensation. First, if the other driver’s negligence might have resulted in your injuries (e.g., a speeding driver swerved around a pothole and ran into you), your lawyer can argue that they could have avoided the crash if they hadn’t been speeding.

Second, you can seek compensation from a business responsible for negligently building or maintaining a private road. Thus, if you were injured when erosion on a private road caused you to slide into a parked car during a rainstorm, you might have a claim against the road builder.

Lastly, you might have a claim against the City of Henderson itself for negligently designed or maintained city roads. Under the Nevada Tort Claims Act, you can pursue negligence claims against the government.

Contact Our Henderson Road Defect Accident Lawyers For a Free Consultation

Road-related car accidents involve complex legal and factual issues. Contact Battle Born Injury Lawyers for a free consultation to discuss your road defect accident.