The State of Nevada averages over 40,000 traffic crashes every year. Historically, about 40% of these traffic crashes in Nevada occur in Las Vegas. Some of the most common but also most serious are rear-end collisions. About 29% of all crashes resulting in severe injury are rear-end collisions. 

If you or a loved one have been hurt in a rear-end crash, you may be left wondering what happened and who is at fault. Here is a look at where the blame lies in a rear-end collision according to an experienced Las Vegas auto accident lawyer.

Common Causes of Rear-End Collisions

A rear-end crash happens when one vehicle hits another from behind. While they may be less severe than a head-on accident, the results can still be catastrophic

Why are these accidents so common? Several factors may be at play, including the following.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving occurs when a driver’s attention is elsewhere. People can be distracted by many different things, including their passengers, the radio, their phones, or events happening outside the car. 

When driving, you need to pay close attention. Even a momentary lapse in attentiveness can be catastrophic. 


Driving under the influence (DUI) can result in impaired decision-making and slowed reaction time. An intoxicated driver might crash into the car in front of them because they don’t even notice that the other vehicle has stopped. 

DUI-related rear-end collisions are some of the most dangerous accidents because the impaired person might not even slow down before the impact. Higher speeds translate to greater momentum and could cause serious injuries to all involved. 

Bad Weather 

Las Vegas might be known for its great (but hot) climate, but in truth, it experiences a wide range of temperatures and weather conditions throughout the year. Heavy storms could hinder the vision of drivers, and slick road conditions could make it harder to stop suddenly, which can lead to accidents and some serious injuries

You should always adjust your driving habits based on current weather conditions. Driving too fast can increase the risk of a crash. 

Who’s at Fault When Someone Gets Rear-Ended? 

In most rear-end collisions, the driver of the trailing vehicle will bear the blame. This is based on the principle that all drivers should maintain a safe following distance and be prepared to stop. The higher your speed, the more space you should leave between your vehicle and the car in front of you. 

However, there are exceptions where the lead driver may share part or all of the responsibility. 

Is the Rear-Ended Car Ever at Fault? 

The driver of the lead vehicle could cause a rear-end collision by operating the vehicle negligently. For instance, you might be driving at night when it’s harder to see but still following another car at a safe distance. However, if the other person’s vehicle doesn’t have working brake lights, you may not see they are slowing down until it’s too late.

While you may still incur some of the blame, the other driver could be found at fault, too. Unfortunately, it could be tough to prove that their brake lights weren’t working before the crash if the incident severely damaged the rear of their vehicle. 

How To Avoid a Rear-End Crash

Anytime you are trailing another vehicle, maintain a safe distance. Give yourself plenty of time to stop. Drive slower and maintain an even larger gap in poor conditions. 

While you may not be able to entirely prevent someone from crashing into you, there are steps you can take to reduce this possibility. Use your signals, and always check to verify your brake lights are working. If possible, install front and rear cameras in your car, which can capture the incident and prove fault. 

Contact the Las Vegas Car Accident Attorneys at Battle Born Injury Lawyers Today

Seek legal counsel if you’ve been injured in a rear-end collision. An experienced Las Vegas lawyer will help you navigate the aftermath and decide what to do next. Most attorneys in this field of law offer free initial consultations and only get paid if they win money for you.

If you or a loved one were injured in an accident in Las Vegas and you need legal assistance, contact our car accident attorneys at Battle Born Injury Lawyers and schedule a free consultation with our legal team.

Battle Born Injury Lawyers
400 S 4th St Suite 290,
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 357-4868

Battle Born Injury Lawyers – Las Vegas Office
10789 W Twain Ave #100
Las Vegas, NV 89135
(702) 570-9000

Battle Born Injury Lawyers – Reno Office
675 W Moana Ln #206
Reno, NV 89509, USA
(775) 535-7768

Battle Born Injury Lawyers – Henderson Office
8540 S Eastern Ave #200
Henderson, NV 89123
(702) 500-0287