Personal Injury Blog
I’ve Been Hurt in a Motorcycle Accident in Las Vegas – Do I Need a Lawyer?
Battle Born Injury Lawyers | July 7, 2022 | Motorcycle Accidents
If you suffered an injury in a motorcycle accident in Las Vegas, NV, you probably need a lawyer. Without a lawyer, you may receive no compensation at all or far less than the amount you deserve. Such a result could be devastating since many motorcycle accidents involve severe and life-altering injuries. What Can a Motorcycle… read more
How Long Does it Take to Get A Las Vegas Personal Injury Settlement Check?
Battle Born Injury Lawyers | July 7, 2022 | Personal Injury
“How long after settlement do I get my money?” This is a common question many people ask when meeting with a personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas. However, the answer to that question depends on several factors. How Long Do Personal Injury Lawsuits Take to Settle? Most personal injury claims do not go to trial…. read more
How Expensive Is It to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas, NV?
Battle Born Injury Lawyers | July 6, 2022 | Car Accidents
It’s a common misconception that a good lawyer breaks the bank. Unfortunately, this misinformation often stops people from taking legal action after they’ve suffered damages. If you’ve been the victim of a Las Vegas car accident that left you with injuries and financial loss, don’t make the mistake of thinking you can’t afford a good… read more
Basic Las Vegas Personal Injury Settlement Breakdown: How Much Goes in My Pocket?
Battle Born Injury Lawyers | July 6, 2022 | Personal Injury
A Las Vegas personal injury settlement can provide you with funds to move forward with your life, but how is your settlement split up? You know you have to pay your lawyer, but what else comes out of your settlement? Below, Battle Born Injury Lawyers breaks down how a contingency fee agreement works and how… read more
Can You Sue After A Car Accident in Las Vegas if You Are Not Hurt?
Battle Born Injury Lawyers | July 5, 2022 | Car Accidents
Many car accidents in Las Vegas result in physical injuries. However, what happens if you were not injured in the car crash? Can you sue the other driver for damages? Proving Negligence for a Car Accident Claim in Las Vegas Nevada is an at-fault state for car accident claims. All drivers must purchase minimum vehicle… read more